America’s Prodigious Enemy: Childhood Obesity

09/28/2015 11:17

Childhood obesity has become one of the most common and worrisome issues for America due to several reasons. The first being the myriad childhood diseases that stem from obesity. Did you know that nearly 20% of American children (aged 6 to 11 years) are extremely obese with the BMI way out of balance. Most scholars associate the obesity related issues with the increased sedentarism that has taken over the youth these days. And the sedentary life pattern can be easily associated with the gaming devices that have forced our children to form a less active every day life pattern.

Recent studies have associated the decline in physical action directly to the sedentary lifestyle that children today follow. The most common diseases associated with lack of physical activity include:

  • Type - 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Bone and joint issues
  • Asthma
  • Anxiousness
  • Liver and nerve bladder malady
  • Low self-esteem

The above-mentioned diseases are only a few ailments, obesity can do a lot  more damage to your child’s physical health. If your child spends more time on the couch than on an outdoor playground equipment, then you seriously need to consider his activities and daily schedule.


Is There a Way to Impede This?

I am pretty sure, you have read a million articles regarding child obesity and probably have tried several ways to keep it away from your precious children. However, child obesity can be a real nuisance for parents and we all know that. Fortunately, there is a way to fight obesity in children.

The first thing you can do is to be more involved with your child’s life. Play dynamic indoor and outdoor games with your children.  Put the TV remote away and compose some dynamic indoor recreations. There are nearly hundreds of activities that you get your child engaged with. If your child finds it hard to mingle with the regular play equipment, then get him some modern commercial playground equipment that will best suit his recreation needs.



Go out for a stroll together, bicycle around the area, investigate a nearby stop, visit a play area, or play in the yard. Do errands together. Wiping, clearing, taking out the garbage, tidying or vacuuming the floor can burn an enormous amount of calories. In addition, encourage your child to participate in after school activities. Usually, most schools have after-school programs that allow kids to take part in sports activities. However, in case, your school does not have a good after-school program, take your kids to amusement parks and recreation centers. Most recreation centers have the up-to-date playground equipment that allows your child to burn enough calories throughout the play time.

Do you have anything else in mind? Use your imagination and get your kids active today!

Is America’s prodigious enemy your enemy too? What do you do to keep your kids away from activities that may lead to obesity? Do not forget to share your opinion with us through the comment section below.